
What is karate

The history of karate

Karate is an old Asian martial art without weapons that has also been practiced in Germany since the late 1950s. The origins of karate are in India, China and Japan and can be traced back to around 500 AD. Karate has been known as an independent Japanese martial art for over 100 years.

The basic principle of karate is to bring the technique to the finish line as quickly as possible and with the greatest possible speed without hitting the target. For this it is necessary, through proper karate training, to learn the ability to stop attacking techniques before hitting them. In the final phase of the technique, the entire body musculature is tensed and all strength is concentrated on the point of attack.

Karate combines the training of body and mind. The focus here is on health, respect for the athletic opponent and the development of personality.

The 3 pillars of karate

Kihon means something like foundation or source.

Kata is a traditional, fixed series of techniques / movements against an imaginary opponent.

Kumite, literally means joined hands and means practicing or fighting with one (rarely several, see Bunkai) opponents.

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